TurboGenPower   TurboGenPower   TurboGenPower  TurboGenPower

A Once in a lifetime 
Legacy to your C hildren's C hildren!

Health Benefits of the Cold Engine.

  • NO Pollution; NO NOx; NO COx; NO CO2; and NO carcinogen.
  • H uge Reductions in Health Care costs.
  • L ives saved or extended from early cancer death and asthma attacks.

C oal is considered by the Canadian Associations of Physicians for the Environment to be the most dangerous of all fuels.

O ver the last century coal has killed far more people through a slow lingering death then Nuclear has done in the US, Japan and Europe combined.

W hat is Our Present Legacy to the next generation of our children?

I s this the legacy you wont to leave your children and the world?

O r would you prefer to contribute to a paradigm shift?

A paradigm shift!

Tomorrow's World & the Cold Engines.

  • Axiom : The Future World runs on Cold Engines.
  • Axiom : Cold Engines produce NO CO2 .
  • Axiom : Cold Engines produce NO pollutants.
  • Axiom : Cold Engines consume NO fuel.
  • Axiom : Cold Engines released NO heat into the Environment.
  • Sub-Axiom : Cold Engines lower the cost of Living.
  • Sub-Axiom : Cold Engines increases our Standard of Living.
  • Sub-Axiom : Cold Engines increases productivity.
  • Sub-Axiom: No Pollution to kills people and other living animals and plants.
  • Sub-Axiom: No Pollution to poison the air, soil and water.
  • Sub-Axiom: No Pollution to creates health problems and raises health costs.
  • S ub-Axiom: A vibrant and healthy, ecosystem with people living in harmony with people and Nature.

S o Which Way Do You Think We should Go!

Help us move from a WORLD in which People Poison People for the sake of abundant but DEADLY Power. To a World in which people Help people for the sake of Environmentally Friendly, Economical Power with an EXCELLENT return on their Investment in Power.

No subsidies' Necessary. A Pollution free, Power System that does not Heat the Environment.

Each one of US must CHOOSE the future world we desire to live in. Vote NOW, Invest, Make a Difference.

This is a morally driven imperative investment opportunity to positively affect your grand children, future generations and create a vibrant, healthy ecosystem.

O pportunities are a strange thing. They rise in the Western Horizon as a small dot and as they traverse the sky above, they get bigger and bigger, maxing out directly over head. You must shoot your arrow straight for it to enter that opportunity. Then as they move to the Eastern sky they wane until they vanish as a dot on the Eastern Horizon. Never to be seen again.

Health and the Environment

A world in which our courts are not constantly arguing the value of a life and health, all for the sake of Power that poisons people and the ecosystem, which we as a society, gluttonously consume.

The real question is.

What impact does each type of Power Plants have on human health and a healthy environment?

Coal the most dangerous of all fuels.

Coal & Health

Coal is considered by the Canadian Associations of Physicians for the Environment to be the most dangerous of all fuels. Over the last century coal has possibly killed more people through a slow lingering death then Nuclear has done in Japan and Europe.

According to the Canadian Associations of Physicians for the Environment "Emissions from coal plants are linked to deadly asthma attacks, cancer, brain damage, acid rain and more." ... "Coal is the most climate-destructive fuel on earth." Petition by the CAPE in 2012 to have all coal plants in Canada shut down.

The lists of pollutants from coal are: arsenic (a carcinogen), lead (brain poison), mercury, CO2, Nox, SO2 , particle emissions and acid rain. For every mega watt hour of electricity produced coal emits one tonne of CO2 into the air. Coal produces a mammoth amount of CO2 world wide.

The deadly pollutants from coal are: arsenic (a carcinogen), lead (brain poison), mercury, SO2 , particle emissions and acid rain. All kill people and animals. All of these pollutants ride the jet stream for thousands of miles before settling as acid rain. The health cost from coal is enormous.

A study by the Canadian Medical Association found that poor air quality caused 630,000 medical visits and cost $8 billion in 2008.

Nuclear & Health

In Chernobyl the Nuclear disaster (1986) is estimated to have killed as many as 200,000 \people (the high estimate) and to have caused premature deaths in an additional one million people according to a Wikipedia article. In Japan the Nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant released radiation that will cause premature deaths in an unknown number of people.

From 1952 to 2009 there has been 99 nuclear accidents, of these 57 were in the US. Although there were few casualties, these accidents "produced US $20.5 billion in property damages", according to a study by Benjamin K. Sovacool.

Cold Engine

In fact the Cold Engine is the only means of generating power without dangerous emissions that affect the health of people or the ecosystem.

With the Cold engine there is no need for people to kill people for the sake of abundant POWER which they GLUTTONOUSLY consume!

Contact David Now 780 450 2574.

Those who invest in this new technology will make a significantly beneficial impact on the health and well being of their grandchildren's future, a healthy vibrant, ecosystem, with People living in harmony with People and Nature.